napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory

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Dragon Age RPG - Core Rulebook
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53.93 €
Dragon Age RPG - Core Rulebook je základní příručka pravidel pro hru na hrdiny z fantasy světa populární počítačové hry Dragon Age. Příručka je v angličtině, má pevnou vazbu a 440 stran. The Dragon Age RPG brings Thedas to your tabletop! Now you can experience BioWare s rich and engaging world in a… celá špecifikácia

Dragon Age RPG - Core Rulebook je základní příručka pravidel pro hru na hrdiny z fantasy světa populární počítačové hry Dragon Age. Příručka je v angličtině, má pevnou vazbu a 440 stran. The Dragon Age RPG brings Thedas to your tabletop! Now you can experience BioWare s rich and engaging world in a classic pen & paper roleplaying game. This new Core Rulebook combines the rules and background of the original game under one cover for the first time, and adds a brand new adventure as well. The game system is easy to learn and play, and the book is packed with lore from the world of Thedas. Dragon Age also features an innovative stunt system that keeps combat and spellcasting tense and exciting. So gather your friends, grab some dice, and get ready to enter a world of mages and templars, of Grey Wardens and darkspawn, of gods and demons ... the world of Dragon Age!
Vývoj ceny Dragon Age RPG - Core Rulebook
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